Category Archives: Coding

Wheedle: What went wrong?

I know it’s been a while since I last posted here, but let’s just move past that for now, and get to the bit where I talk about… Wheedle Last week I managed, by chance, to get a sneak peek … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary | 3 Comments

JavaScript Decision Tree tool

My goal has been to make a JavaScript Decision Tree tool as a new content module for our next site redesign. It needs to work such that the same piece of JavaScript can be utilised without modification for any decision … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, JavaScript | 34 Comments

Getting XML data into Symfony, automatically.

The problem We have a complex XML file with many different node types, etc. supplied by a third party via a URL reference. There’s an initial dump, and then an incremental update every couple of weeks, with additions, deletions and … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Tools | 4 Comments

Goodbye .clearfix, old friend.

You all know the old ‘floated elements inside a container cause the container to collapse’ problem? Well, up until recently, I’d always just called on an old friend, .clearfix, and he’d sorted it out for me. I met .clearfix three … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Link, Tools, Web Standards | 4 Comments

Does developing in .aspx produce bloated code?

This started out as a comment in response to Robbie’s question on my previous post, but thought I’d turn it into another post: So is it that they are written in aspx which makes them bloated?. Well, I guess that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design, Tools | 2 Comments

Web site performance

Last week I read Steve Souders’ High Performance Web Sites. While I already have a fairly good understanding of site performance, having completed a fairly extensive performance analysis of a few years ago and being familiar with Yahoo!’s YSlow … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design, Tools, Web Standards | 7 Comments

Extensible CSS

Cameron Moll has published Part 1 of his new series The Highly Extensible CSS Interface. He looks at meaningful, lightweight markup, resetting CSS, and resolution dependence.

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Web Standards | Leave a comment

Jeff Croft goes brown

Jeff Croft has redesigned – and it’s brown, yo. I must say, it’ll take a bit of getting used to.

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design | Leave a comment

Charts and graphs and stuff

It’s funny how things come in droves. A good friend of mine has, over the years, written a few applications that require graphing. He has written them as VB applications and when I’ve suggested he make them as web-apps, one … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, JavaScript | 1 Comment

How to hack mintshot; the problems continue.

Here’s another post about mintshot hacks. I’m not sure what happened to the page I linked to the other day; it seems to be down. [Edit: Here’s the google cache of that page.] There are a few good lessons that … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design | 4 Comments