Category Archives: Link

Steve Lacy: What Larry Page really needs to do to return Google to its startup roots

Here’s a good read.

Posted in Link | 3 Comments

Goodbye .clearfix, old friend.

You all know the old ‘floated elements inside a container cause the container to collapse’ problem? Well, up until recently, I’d always just called on an old friend, .clearfix, and he’d sorted it out for me. I met .clearfix three … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Link, Tools, Web Standards | 4 Comments

Download Day: Firefox 3

Need I say more? Go and get it!

Posted in Link, Tools | 1 Comment

Another blog

We’ve set up another blog, primarily for the purposes of chronicling our overseas escapade, but Michelle also likes to talk about the garden and stuff. Check it out.

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Frameworks. CSS and otherwise.

Jeff Croft hosts a hornets’ nest of a debate over the use (or not) of frameworks in web development. It may pay to first read his previous post on this topic. And probably Jeff’s article on frameworks that he wrote … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Link, Tools | Leave a comment

Mintshop? Mintchop?

Some canny chap has caught onto the Mintshot hype, and has bought up, and The video clip he’s showing is a bit of a laugh! Tricky stuff.

Posted in Commentary, Link, Search Engineering | 2 Comments

Refurbished iPhones

So it looks like you can buy refurbished iPhones from Apple. (and here’s the 4GB). […thanks Cameron]

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What’s an ‘itso’?

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Jeff Croft: web standards vs. Web Standards

Jeff Croft has his head screwed on properly; I can’t find anything in this post of his that I don’t agree with.

Posted in Commentary, Link, Web Standards | 1 Comment

An unfortunate product name

I thought this was an attempt to be clever, but no, it’s an actual product name.

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