Category Archives: Web Standards

Government Web Standards & Recommendations

I meant to blog about this a few weeks back, but I forgot. 🙁 The New Zealand government has recently released the NZ Government Web Standards and Recommendations v1.0. This document covers mark-up (HTML, XHTML, CSS), content, page layout, security, … Continue reading

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Let’s get naked!

April the 5th is CSS Naked Day, so is going to get naked. Admittedly, this is kinda pointless, since uses a standard WordPress template, and so you won’t expect to discover anything remarkable once the ClotheSS come off, … Continue reading

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Where web standards are at.

Ethan Marcotte cheap nba jerseys writes ガリバーの評判(めだかさんより) an excellent article on web standards Golf over at A List Apart. I Hello must confess that titles I’m рождения a validation stickler, cheap mlb jerseys but this article gives me some good … Continue reading

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