Category Archives: Web Standards

Goodbye .clearfix, old friend.

You all know the old ‘floated elements inside a container cause the container to collapse’ problem? Well, up until recently, I’d always just called on an old friend, .clearfix, and he’d sorted it out for me. I met .clearfix three … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Link, Tools, Web Standards | 4 Comments

Web site performance

Last week I read Steve Souders’ High Performance Web Sites. While I already have a fairly good understanding of site performance, having completed a fairly extensive performance analysis of a few years ago and being familiar with Yahoo!’s YSlow … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design, Tools, Web Standards | 7 Comments

Extensible CSS

Cameron Moll has published Part 1 of his new series The Highly Extensible CSS Interface. He looks at meaningful, lightweight markup, resetting CSS, and resolution dependence.

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Getting Better, Faster

Stephen Caver in his post, Getting Better, pooh-poohs the idea that things can get better in leaps and bounds, but rather postulates that progress is incremental. With all due respect, (quite a bit of respect, actually, given Stephen is a … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, Web Standards | Leave a comment

Blue Beanie Day

In case you’re wondering what’s on my head today… Douglas Vos has inaugurated Blue Beanie Day Monday, November 26, 2007 is the day thousands of Standardistas (people who support web standards) will wear a Blue Beanie to show their support … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, Web Standards | 1 Comment

Jeff Croft: web standards vs. Web Standards

Jeff Croft has his head screwed on properly; I can’t find anything in this post of his that I don’t agree with.

Posted in Commentary, Link, Web Standards | 1 Comment

Eric Meyer: The Veteran’s Charge

Eric Meyer gets (rigthtfully) hot under the collar. Hear, hear, I say.

Posted in Link, User Interface, Web Standards | Leave a comment

Irksome: Internet Explorer vs. JavaScript

So I’m coding a form and I want the user to be able to add more rows to it, if they wish. So when the user activates a control, I use JS to create some ‘input’ elements (including some radio … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, JavaScript, User Interface, Web Standards | 6 Comments

HTML Emails

Jeffery Zeldman writes that email is not a platform for design. I totally agree, and am pleased that someone with clout is saying so. I know I’m more developer than designer, the medium that is email was never intended to … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, Design, User Interface, Web Standards | 2 Comments


Wondering why this page looks a little spartan today? That’s because it’s CSS Naked Day!!! Go check out other nakedness! Update: It’s no longer the 5th of April; clothes are back on.

Posted in Commentary, Design, Web Standards | Leave a comment