Category Archives: Design

Redesigning a corporate web environment

The Challenge I’ve got this friend who is responsible for a corporate front-end web environment with almost a dozen browser-facing web applications. Pretty much all he can do at the moment is change static content in the antiquated and wildly … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, Design, User Interface | 6 Comments

Doug Bowman is an outstanding web designer

…who was, until recently, Visual Design Lead at Google. He now works for Twitter. It saddens me to see so many people knocking Doug for the less-than-inspiring design work found in many of Google’s products. Take this Gawker / Valleywag … Continue reading

Posted in Commentary, Design | 3 Comments

Does developing in .aspx produce bloated code?

This started out as a comment in response to Robbie’s question on my previous post, but thought I’d turn it into another post: So is it that they are written in aspx which makes them bloated?. Well, I guess that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design, Tools | 2 Comments

Web site performance

Last week I read Steve Souders’ High Performance Web Sites. While I already have a fairly good understanding of site performance, having completed a fairly extensive performance analysis of a few years ago and being familiar with Yahoo!’s YSlow … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design, Tools, Web Standards | 7 Comments

Jason Santa Maria redesigns…

…or rather, rethinks. Jason’s site is one of my regular reads, and his design work is really solid. As art director at Happy Cog, working with the likes of Jeffrey Zeldman, Jason is up there with the best of them. … Continue reading

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Jeff Croft goes brown

Jeff Croft has redesigned – and it’s brown, yo. I must say, it’ll take a bit of getting used to.

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design | Leave a comment

SimpleBits realign is live!

Following on from what I blogged earlier, SimpleBits has now undergone its transformation. This is a perfect example of a design realignment – no radical, from-scratch redesign. Dan has kept the best bits; the bits that already worked well. And … Continue reading

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SimpleBits tune-up

It looks like Dan Cederholm is giving SimpleBits a bit of a tweak. Watch this space.

Posted in Commentary, Design | 1 Comment

How to hack mintshot; the problems continue.

Here’s another post about mintshot hacks. I’m not sure what happened to the page I linked to the other day; it seems to be down. [Edit: Here’s the google cache of that page.] There are a few good lessons that … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design | 4 Comments

Win millions of Mintshot dollars!!

Mintshot is a mess! Cheating, hacks, security flaws… Wow! I must say, I wasn’t overly impressed with Mintshot’s shoddy layouts and presentation, but I never thought it would be so crappy underneath!!

Posted in Coding, Commentary, Design | 1 Comment