Alas, I’ve not got anything ready for the May 1st Reboot.
My sincerest apologies; work has been busy. Off-the-hook busy. So I’ll do something quicker and easier and not-at-all like redesigning my site.
My toolbox. At the risk of starting a meme, the applications I have use regularly enough such that they are always open are as follows:
- Microsoft Outlook: the ever-increasing mountain of email.
- Google Talk: for keeping in touch.
- Aptana: The hottest free open-source web IDE ever, mkay?
- Internet Explorer: only because our CMS interface won’t work in any other browser.
- Mozilla Firefox: for all other browser-related work. Using heapsa cool extensions. I mean heapsa.
- Two SSH sessions: tailing the error logs on both of our development environment web servers
- Windows Explorer: with Documentum plug-in for administering our web environment
- Windows Explorer: for general-purpose file stuff
- EMC Document Repository Interrogation Utility (RepoInt): an invaluable tool for Documentum debugging and analysis
- XML Spy: for editing XSLs and DTDs. It’s a really old version.
- Arbortext Editor: for editing our CMS XML content
- Adobe Photoshop: who doesn’t have this open all the time?
So, what’s in your toolbox?
I recently bought Coda and am loving it. No love for PC on that one though sorry. Aside from that, the Photoshop/Fireworks combo is still getting a good workout.
I saw Coda – I’ve only heard good things about it.
I wish I was Macinese some times.