Category Archives: Tools
Pears: Create your own pattern library
At work, we have what we call our module library, which is an interface with which to browse (and edit) the snippets of code and style (we call them modules) that we use to make up our site. They’re not … Continue reading
Getting XML data into Symfony, automatically.
The problem We have a complex XML file with many different node types, etc. supplied by a third party via a URL reference. There’s an initial dump, and then an incremental update every couple of weeks, with additions, deletions and … Continue reading
Goodbye .clearfix, old friend.
You all know the old ‘floated elements inside a container cause the container to collapse’ problem? Well, up until recently, I’d always just called on an old friend, .clearfix, and he’d sorted it out for me. I met .clearfix three … Continue reading
Does developing in .aspx produce bloated code?
This started out as a comment in response to Robbie’s question on my previous post, but thought I’d turn it into another post: So is it that they are written in aspx which makes them bloated?. Well, I guess that’s … Continue reading
Web site performance
Last week I read Steve Souders’ High Performance Web Sites. While I already have a fairly good understanding of site performance, having completed a fairly extensive performance analysis of a few years ago and being familiar with Yahoo!’s YSlow … Continue reading
The Mac arrived yesterday…
…and so, as is obligatory, here are the unboxing pictures: It’s in the box on the left. Ohh Ahh! The box within a box. Pretty polystyrene Even the handle is smiling With all the bits And there it is. I … Continue reading
A MacBook Pro
I’m still doing it all holiday-like here in Switzerland. I try to make time to leaf through the usual blogs, but I’m really starting to hanker for a bit of work, which is good, because I start my new job … Continue reading
Frameworks. CSS and otherwise.
Jeff Croft hosts a hornets’ nest of a debate over the use (or not) of frameworks in web development. It may pay to first read his previous post on this topic. And probably Jeff’s article on frameworks that he wrote … Continue reading
Google Chrome
Google have today released their new web browser, Google Chrome, in beta. Man is it fast!!!! I’ve been using it this evening and it really flies. While it supposedly uses more memory than other browsers, this use of extra memory … Continue reading →